מכירה פומבית 52 חלק ב' Soviet books, children's publications and posters

North auction house

49 Lermontovsky Ave., Saint Petersburg, רוסיה

  • Лот 981. [Литографии Ю. Анненкова] Emmanuel d'Astier. Paris, 1927.
  • Лот 988. Неопубликованные мемуары И. В. Мандражи. Л., 1960.
  • Soviet ceremonial editions
  • Autographs (Chizhevsky, 52 chess players, Malakhovsky, Kriemerman, Werth, etc.)
  • Children's publications, clamshell books, nonconformist drawings
  • Emigrant publications, pre-war periodicals
  • History, propaganda, military affairs, literature, prose, poetry
  • Art, theater, music, gift editions and collectibles
  • Posters of the "Fighting Pencil"

Buyers from Moscow can pick up their lots (by agreement) after March 1 at the hotel "1 Artotel" (Alekseevskaya metro station), the cost of delivery is 500 rubles • Delivery across Russia and the world (SDEK, Russian Post, Art Mail) • Please read the terms of payment and delivery carefully!

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