מכירה פומבית 65 חלק ג' Old and new porcelain, props, household items, records, netsuke, glass, bronze

North auction house

23, Embankment of the Griboyedov Canal, Saint Petersburg, רוסיה

  • Porcelain of famous factories: KPM, Gardner, Kuznetsov, IFZ-GFZ-LFZ, Baranovka, etc.; Soviet, Chinese, Danish, French, English. 
  • Author's painting and murals based on sketches: N. Danko, Z. Kobyletskaya, WOOF. Traugot, I. Mikhailova, T. Afanasyeva, H. Bely, T. Lynchevskaya, E. Eropkina, A. Vorobyevsky, A. Leporskoy. 
  • Sets, animal art, jewelry box, busts and figurines. 
  • Maltsovsky glass factory; laminated glass in the Art Nouveau style.
  • Author's bronze statuettes, busts, bas-reliefs (L. Mogilevsky, P. Dubois, Ya. Tropiansky, etc.). 
  • Netsuke and okimono (bone, wood)
  • Gramophone records (Pate discs)
  • Icons (in precious salaries, on A. Zhako tin, Old Believer copper plastic)
  • Props of imperial theaters
  • Household items: Cutlery, boxes and boxes, typewriters, decals, watches, jewelry, everyday and theatrical handbags, smoking accessories, perfumes (perfumes, eau de toilette, bottles)

Delivery to Moscow by prior arrangement, from September 2 to 5, hotel "1 Artotel" (Alekseevskaya metro station), delivery cost 500 rubles • Delivery across Russia and the world (SDEK, Russian Post, Art Mail) • Please read the terms of payment and delivery carefully!

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המכירה הסתיימה

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