מכירה פומבית 99 חלק א' Bidding with an auctioneer. Printed graphics of the XVIII—XXI centuries, modern prints, author's photography.
- Prints of the XVIII — early XX centuries: engravings by A. G. Payne, views of the Swiss Alps, European cities, classics, fashion, ornaments.
- Masters of printed graphics of the first half of the 20th century: M. Ushakov-Poskochin, E. Evenbach, G. Vereisky, P. Kirpichev, A. Mogilevsky, S. Boem, N. Pavlov, A. Ushin, lithographs from the collection of V. and L. Tvelkmeyer.
- Post-war printed graphics: M. Skulyari, A. Kaplan, V. Matyukh, V. Sudakov, M. Anikushin, S. Vikharev, M. Bruizen, Y. Lavrukhin, A. Shuraev, and others.
- Modern prints, author's photography.
Delivery to Moscow on request, from February 1 to 4, 1 Artotel hotel (Alekseevskaya metro station), delivery cost 500 rubles • Delivery in Russia and the world (SDEK, Russian Post, Art mail) • Please read the terms of payment and delivery carefully!