מכירה פומבית 100 חלק ב' Photos, documents, medals and badges, labels, autographs

North auction house

23, Embankment of the Griboyedov Canal, Saint Petersburg, רוסיה

  • Labels, corks, collectibles.
  • Numismatics, securities.
  • Signs, tokens, militaria (university diamonds, Soviet signs, etc.).
  • Photographs (archive of pilot Chugunov, archive of the first chief of the Antarctic station Vostok, archive of architect Davydov, archive of Lancere, vintage cars, military, high school students.
  • Autographs, antique paper and documents (diplomas, certificates, letterheads, envelopes, programs, etc.)

Delivery to Moscow on request, from March 8 to 11, 1 Artotel hotel (Alekseevskaya metro station), delivery cost 500 rubles • Delivery in Russia and the world (SDEK, Russian Post, Art mail) • Please read the terms of payment and delivery carefully!

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המכירה הסתיימה

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אני מעוניין לקבל מבית המכירות North auction house התראות על מכירות חדשות