שכונת גילה ירושלים
The auction house holds auctions of:
Judaica, holy books, manuscripts, Torah scrolls crowns, grenades and flies to Torah scroll. Scrolls, Haggadahs, silverware of all kinds. Menorahs, as well as any other object related to Judaism and the Jewish home. Jewish, Israeli, and international art. Paper items - letters, photos, graphics and posters and more. Items related to Jewish and international culture and history. Medals, coins and banknotes, symbols and badges, jewelry and gems of all kinds. Bezalel works, olive wood, ceramics, textiles, carpets.
And any object that meets the definition of "collectible".
The auction house aims to offer for sale items of all kinds while maintaining a high standard of reliability and order, and to maintain a fair treatment both to the sellers and to the buyers.
The "Berditchov" auction house receives for sale and sale individual items and entire collections in all areas, as well as handles estates. Evaluate and bring them up for sale.
We will be happy to assist you with any questions. Welcome to the Berditchov team.
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Berdychov - Leilão 21
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Berdychov - Leilão 7, הוספנו פריטים. קטלוג מציאות. ספרים עתיקים. חפצי צדיקים. כתבי יד וקמיעות. דפוסים חשובים. אלפי דפים מארכיון אוצר הפוסקים. ספרים מבוקשים ומהדורות יחידות. .
Berdychov - Leilão 6 - 10 דולר פתיחה - הוספנו פריטים חדשים. מציאות רבות. -------מכירה ללא מע"מ-------