Rua do Barreiro, 299 4470-600 Moreira - Portugal
About Us
By virtue of its perfection and creating works of art with innovative design, Fertini Casa Furniture quickly gained a solid reputation among enthusiasts and found buyers as far afield as Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Russia. Fertini Casa became provider of the Saudi Royal House in 2011.
Fertini Casa products represent the pinnacle of Portuguese craftsmanship and are unsurpassed for their quality and attention to detail.
The crown jewel of a Fertini Casa piece of furniture is the fact that, from its fabrics, brass and woods to its final products, it has been finished by hand by dedicated, trained specialists, with skills passed down through generations.
The term “hand-finishing” includes a wide array of fine decorations and subtle enhancements, meticulously manually performed on the furniture components.
Hand finish expertise is a part and parcel of the stunning range of rare handcrafts produced by Fertini Casa, where this artistry is employed to craft exquisite luxury furniture.
The connoisseur of furniture will have an elaborate, jewel-like finish performed entirely by hand, with an ingenuity, vigilance, and respect no machine on earth can replicate – which is why Fertini Casa stands unmatched in its field.
Fertini Casa has become synonymous of commitment to design and impeccable taste. The brand has been associated with class and sophistication.
We are proud of our distinct identity “hand made Furniture”, commitment to perfection and under stated Elegance.
The Crafts
The Fertini Casa products are the result of attention to detail, elegance and luxury design. See inside the workshops to learn about Fertini Casa unique expertise, in a journey through craftsmanship, fine materials and passion for luxury.
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