JH Auctions Ltd

Unit 4, Cleylands Burr Lane Spalding PE12 6AZ United Kingdom

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JH Auctions LTD has been running for over 5 years. Our aim, to cut out the middle men – such as eBay who take large chunks of commission at a time where every penny counts. Our auction site is located in Spalding, Lincolnshire where we pride ourselves in moving large volumes of stock for both traders and the public. We pride ourselves on our values:

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JH Auctions Ltd - Leilão 003

General & Household inc; Saxophone, Pub Glasses & Coasters, Medals, Coins, Jewellery, Tools & More!

JH Auctions Ltd - Leilão 002

General & Household inc; Silverware, Mid Century Furniture, Mobility Scooter, Tools, Coins, Jewellery, Tools & More! - 561 Lots

JH Auctions Ltd - Leilão 001

Collectible Sale inc - Pewter Dragon Figures, Tilley Lamps, Stamps, Paintings, Pin Badges, Silverware, Die Cast, Brassware & Much More!

JH Auctions Ltd

General & Household inc; Retro Gameboy Consoles & Games, Die Cast, Lego, VHS Players, Tools, Coins, Jewellery, Tools & More! - 597 Lots

JH Auctions Ltd - Leilão 001

General & Household inc - Medals, 9ct Gold, Die Cast, Lego, VHS Players, Tools, Coins, Jewellery, Tools & More! - 639 Lots

JH Auctions Ltd

General & Household inc; Bathroom Ex Display Units, Die Cast, Lego, VHS Players, Tools, Coins, Jewellery, Tools & More! - 580 Lots