Leiloeira Santo Eloy
Leiloeira Santo Eloy
Leiloeira Santo Eloy is an auction company specialized in the Jewelery sector, dedicated to the trade of Gold, Silver, Jewelry, Watches, Precious Stones and Gold Coins. The specificity of our work is a guarantee of quality.
Leiloeira Santo Eloy comes from a Family with three Generations of experience in this area. We are a multidisciplinary team with Gemologist Experts, graduated in Portugal and abroad, specialized in Diamonds, Corundums, Beryl, Colored Stones and Pearls, among others, with the knowledge of laboratory research.
We operate based on five “C's”: Knowledge, Competence, Commitment, Trust and Complicity. These values make us go beyond the most obvious value of each piece and assign its fair value, considering its history and timeless relevance.
“Only the Best is enough for me.…” ~ Calouste Gulbenkian
Leiloeira Santo Eloy is an auction company specialized in the Jewelery sector, dedicated to the trade of Gold, Silver, Jewelry, Watches, Precious Stones and Gold Coins. The specificity of our work is a guarantee of quality.
Leiloeira Santo Eloy comes from a Family with three Generations of experience in this area. We are a multidisciplinary team with Gemologist Experts, graduated in Portugal and abroad, specialized in Diamonds, Corundums, Beryl, Colored Stones and Pearls, among others, with the knowledge of laboratory research.
We operate based on five “C's”: Knowledge, Competence, Commitment, Trust and Complicity. These values make us go beyond the most obvious value of each piece and assign its fair value, considering its history and timeless relevance.
“Only the Best is enough for me.…” ~ Calouste Gulbenkian
Leiloeira Santo Eloy aims to value what has value, differentiating a common object from a Work of Art. For this it has a team of competent professionals, with long experience and specialized in the investigation, classification and valorization of Gold, Silver, Jewels, Watches, Precious Stones and Gold Coins. We also propose to hold thematic auctions - in person and online, with a sense of social solidarity, creating partnerships with humanitarian institutions. We intend to create training courses, give lectures and gatherings open to the jewelery sector and the general public.
It is our goal to be an asset, offering something innovative through criteria of excellence.
“The World is the Size of Your Dreams” ~ The Boy and the Wise
Sotheby's was founded in the following century, in the year 1744 and is currently the second largest auction house in the world.
Subsequently, in 1766, Mr. James Christie, inaugurates what is today the largest auctioneer in activity, the well-known Christie's, where in 2017 Leonardo DaVinci's famous painting “SALVATOR MUNDI” was auctioned and sold for $ 400 million. In 1793, also in London, the prestigious Bonhams was founded.
As for Portugal, the auction houses Leiria & Nascimento (1933), Soares & Mendonça (1937) and Dynasty (late 1950s in the 20th century), contributed to the prestige of the auction market.
Leiloeira Santo Eloy, starts its activity in January 2021, with the motto and the spirit “Valuing what has value”, with the added value of the specificity of only acting in the Jewelery sector.
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