Auction 214 Antiques and Works of Art - Modern and Contemporary
By Cabral Moncada Leilões
Dec 13, 2021
Rua Miguel Lupi, 12 A/D . 1200-725 Lisboa Portugal
Exhibition: 6 to 12th December - 14h to 20h
The auction has ended

LOT 311:


Sold for: €3,000
Start price:
Estimated price :
€3,000 - €4,500
Buyer's Premium: 24.6%
Auction took place on Dec 13, 2021 at Cabral Moncada Leilões

LEÃO, Duarte Nunes de.- [...] CENSVRÆ IN LIBEL- | LVM DE REGVM PORTVGALIÆ | ORIGINE, QVI FRATRIS IOSEPHI | TEIXERÆ NOMINE CIRCVM- | PERTVR. | Item de vera Regum Portugaliæ Ge- | nealogia liber. | AD SERENISSIMVM PRINCIPEM ALBERTVM | ARCHIDVCEM AVSTRIÆ, S.R.E. | CARDINALEM.- Olisipone: Ex officina Antonij Riparij Tipographi Regij. Anno MDLXXXV [1585].- [4], 64 f.; 23 cm. Junto com; -----.- [...] DE VERA REGVM | PORTVGALLIÆ GENEALO- | GIA LIBER. | AD SERENISSIMVM PRINCIPEM ALBERTVM | ARCHIDVCEM AVSTRIÆ, S.R.E. | CARDINALEM.- Oisipone, Anno MDLXXXV.- 50 f.; 23 cm.- E., First edition of a controversial work, published in response to the positions taken by the Dominican Fr. José Teixeira, supporter of D. António, Prior do Crato, who he followed until the end of his life, in exile in France, where he enjoyed the admiration and favour of Henry II and Catherine de Medicis. The last 49 pages include, with its own title page, but constituting a single typographic unit, the original edition of the “True genealogy of the kings of Portugal”, which would be published in vernacular (Castilian) five years later. Both works are dedicated to Archduke Cardinal Alberto of Austria. Copy only cropped at the head, keeping wide margins. Title page with extensive annotation and stain, passing on to the next two pages; about a third of the sheets with old annotations on the margins; two sheets with the upper outer corners burnt, without harming the text; occasional light stains on the upper margin of some leaves; rare minor wormholes. Contemporary binding, full flexible parchment, retaining the original endpapers. Regarding this work, we quote Alberto Navarro, Viscount of Trindade (Manuscritos & Livros Valiosos, Telles da Sylva, vol. II, p. 155): “Deste raríssimo livro [...] há exemplares na Nacional, na Torre do Tombo e na Ajuda; em livrarias privadas, parece-me que somente na minha”. Anselmo, 968. Monteverde, 3795. D. Manuel II Library, 241 and 243. BN (16th century), 405.