LOTE 46:
An antisemitic pouring jug, early 20th century
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An antisemitic pouring jug, early 20th century
An antisemitic pouring jar in the shape of a Jew with a stereotypical face with bull horns, a long nose, a pointed beard, and grotesque ears with a devilish smile. Numbered: 67.
The pointed ears that were intended to give the Jews a figure of Satan, is a recurring motif in various antisemitic items, see for example: Anti Judischer Nippes und populare Judenbilder by Falk Wiesemann Item No. 136 and Item No. 145.
See also the book of Jal Mosse - (one of the Researchers of Nazi ideology) "The crisis of German ideology about the Jew in the form of the devil".
Maximum height: 20 cm. Peeling paint at the base, very good condition.