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拍卖品 45:

SIQUEIRA (Luís Martins de). INFORMAÇÃO em Direito com que se Satisfas per parte das Ordens Militares de Santiago, & ...


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SIQUEIRA (Luís Martins de). INFORMAÇÃO em Direito com que se Satisfas per parte das Ordens Militares de Santiago, & S. Bento de Avis, a todas as propostas, & duvidas que contra ellas move o Reverendo Arcebispo d’ Evora. Em Lisboa. 1630.

SIQUEIRA (Luís Martins de)

INFORMAÇÃO em Direito com que se Satisfas per parte das Ordens Militares de Santiago, & S. Bento de Avis, a todas as propostas, & duvidas que contra ellas move o Reverendo Arcebispo d’ Evora. De que são Juizes delegados per Breve Apostolico da Santidade do Papa Urbano hora presidente na Igreja de Deos, os Doutores Gaspar Pereira, & Francisco Barreto de Menezes do Conselho geral da Santa Inquisição, & Simão Torrezão Coelho Prior de São Martinho, que forão nomeados per sua Magestade em virtude do ditto Breve. Em Lisboa: Por Jorge Rodriguez, 1630.

[]1, A-Z, Aa-Dd4, Ee6, Ff4, Gg6, Aa-Bb4, Cc6; [1], 134, 13, [1] ff.; 265 mm. Full calf.

FIRST AND RARE edition of this allegation in defense of the arguments presented by the Archbishop of Évora, at the time D. José de Melo, against the military orders of S. Tiago and S. Bento de Avis and their pastoral privileges in the Diocese. The publication, although without a name on the frontispiece, is at the end signed by Luís Martins de Siqueira, declaring at the beginning that the Archbishop was his constituent in the process. Barbosa tries to attribute the authorship of the work to Gaspar Pereira, which seems difficult to us, since, as stated on the frontispiece, he would be one of the judges in the case. This attribution is strange, since it is attributed without any condition to Luís de Siqueira in the respective entry of Barbosa. It is impossible to know what led the bibliographer to create two entries for the same work [three, by the way, as it is also referred to indirectly in v.4, p. 104, in the entry by Diogo Ribeiro Cirne]. In any case, it is a very rare and interesting work for the history of the Diocese of Évora and the Military Orders of Avis and S. Tiago.

¶ Inocêncio, v.5, p. 305; v.3, p. 132; Barbosa, v. 3, p. 113; v. 4, p. 104; Samodães, 2003


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