拍卖会 476 Online Auction #476
Rua Luísa Todi 12G | 2925-568 Azeitão, 葡萄牙

拍卖品 33:

CARTAS Ânuas do Colégio de Macau (1594-1627). Macau. 1999.

售出价为: €5
估计的价格 :
€5 - €10
拍卖行佣金: 17%
增值税: 23% 仅对佣金收取
14.10.22于 Ecléctica Leilões

CARTAS Ânuas do Colégio de Macau (1594-1627). Macau. 1999.
CARTAS Ânuas do Colégio de Macau (1594-1627). Direcção e Estudo Introdutório de João Paulo Oliveira e Costa; Transcrição Paleográfica de Ana Fernandes Pinto. Macau: Comissão Territorial de Macau para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, 1999.

283 pp.; 210 mm.

In the Registry of Jesuits of the College of Macau there are numerous documents related to Asia, referring to the rents of Chaúl, Baçaim, Damão and Diu, the Colleges of Columbo, and Cochin (opinions on villages), the mission of the Colégio da India Oriental, copies of letters from the founder of the Company to his colleagues, the foundation of the China Seminary, letters about China, copy of the contract concluded between an English company and the people of Bombay, the donation of the villages of Assulana, Velim, and Ambelim by D Pedro de Castro to the Jesuits, the buildings and income and expenses of the priests of the province of Japan, the royal concession to the Society of Jesus of the collection of some rights on the products traded by Casa da India, news about the Estado da India, letters from favor and administration of trading posts, information about the professed house of Bom Jesus da India, the college of Macau, the action of the Jesuits in Macau, Malabar, and the Moluccas, the bishops of Goa, Macau, Beijing, the German Jesuits, among others.
