Auktion 500 Guedes Rodrigues' Private Collection
Von Ecléctica Leilões
Rua Luísa Todi 12G | 2925-568 Azeitão, Portugal
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LOS 2:

LEBLOND (Guillaume). TRAITÉ de l’Attaque des Places. A Paris. 1762.

Verkauft für: €180
Geschätzter Preis :
€100 - €150
Auktionshaus-Provision: 17%
MwSt: 23% Nur auf die Provision!
31.3.23 bei Ecléctica Leilões

LEBLOND (Guillaume). TRAITÉ de l’Attaque des Places. A Paris. 1762.
LEBLOND (Guillaume)
TRAITÉ de l’Attaque des Places. Seconde Édition, Revue, corrigée & augmentée. A Paris: Chez Charl. Ant. Jombert, 1762.

xxii, 474 pp., 18 grav.: il.; 200 mm.

Guillaume Leblond, an author dedicated to military studies, was one of the most widely read of his kind in the 18th century. Professor of mathematics, geometry, arithmetic and fortifications, he was responsible for the education of young nobles destined for military life, having been appointed by Louis XV to educate his children in military matters. He is responsible for several articles in Diderot's Encyclopedie on the subject. In this treatise, according to some authors, always in a very pedagogical tone, Leblond clearly and precisely explains the offensive part of the "art of the siege". The work was originally published as an integral part of the work "Éléments de la guerre des dièges" printed in 1743. Illustrated with 18 folding engravings. Rare.