拍卖会 552
Rua Luísa Todi 12G | 2925-568 Azeitão, 葡萄牙

拍卖品 20:

HUTTICH (Johannes); GRYNAEUS (Simon). NOVUS orbis regionum . Basileæ. 1537.


估计的价格 :
€2,500 - €3,500
拍卖行佣金: 17%
增值税: 23% 仅对佣金收取
20.9.24于 Ecléctica Leilões

HUTTICH (Johannes); GRYNAEUS (Simon). NOVUS orbis regionum . Basileæ. 1537.
HUTTICH (Johannes); GRYNAEUS (Simon)
NOVUS orbis regionum . Unà cum tabula cosmographica, & aliquot aliis consimilis argumenti libellis, quorum omnium catalogus sequenti patebit pagina. His accessit copiosus rerum memorabilium index. Adiecta est huic postremae editioni Navigatio Caroli Cæsaris auspicio in comitiis Augustanis instituta. Basileæ: Apud Io. Hervagium Mense Martio, 1537.

[48], 600, [2] pp., 1 mapa facsimilado; 330 mm. Folding map is a facsimile; fol. Z4 till Bb4 from another copy, a little bit more trimmed; modern full calf.

According to Sabin, this is the 4th edition of this work, the first to contain Maximilian of Transylvania's letter relating to Magellan's circumnavigation journey. First published in 1532, the work is the first major travel compilation ever published. The work contains the journey of Cadamosto, the first three voyages of Columbus, the journeys of Vespucci, Pedro Alonso Niño, Vicente Yañez Pinzón, Pedro Álvares Cabral, narrative of the Indian José, D. Manuel's letter to the Pope reporting the arrival to India, Marco Polo's three books, the aforementioned letter from Maximilian of Transylvania, among other texts. Very rare and very important.

¶ UCST, 678747; Duarte de Sousa 1, 34 para a 1.a ed.; BdM2, 376
