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[MOZART WOLFGANG AMADEUS]: (1756-1791) Austrian composer of the Classical period. [FIRMIAN KARL JOSEPH VON]: (1716-1782) Austrian nobleman who served as Plenipotentiary Minister of Lombardy to the Habsburg Monarchy from 1756. Firmian was an avid promoter of the arts and sciences and was one of Mozart´s most important aristocratic patrons, and a key figure in his early career as a composer of Italian opera. MARIA THERESA: (1717-1780) Empress Consort of the Holy Roman Empire 1745-65. Mother of Marie Antoinette. A fine L.S., with subscription, Majestatis vostra benevola soror et cosanguinea, Maria Theresia, one page, folio, Vienna, 17th October 1758, to Charles III, in Latin. The Empress writes to inform the King of Sicily that she has appointed Count Firmian to be her Minister Plenipotentiary, in part, ´Quandoquidem mihi constitutum est, meo apud Majestatem vostram commoranti Ministro Plenipotentiario Illustri et Magnifico, Carlo Comiti Firmian, consiliario Imperiali Aulico et Camerario meo actuali, ob singularem prudentiam aeque ac in rebus gerendis dexteritatem, in primis autem ob illam, qua Majestati Vestrae sese probavit, bene compositam agendi rationem, in Meis Italiae Principatibus munus Ministri Mei Plenipotentiarii conferre.....Et quum in posterum non minus intersit, ut mutua, qua mihi cum Majestate Vostra intercedit, amicitia constans ac perennis quam diutissime duret, in locum discedentis Ministri Mei Plenipotentiarii Virum Illustrem ac Magnificum, comitem a Neipperg, consiliarium Imperialem Aulicum et Camerarium Meum....´ (Translation: ´Since it has been appointed for me, my illustrious and magnificent Minister Plenipotentiary residing with your Majesty, Carlo Comte Firmian, the adviser of the Imperial Court and my actual Chamberlain, for his singular prudence as well as his dexterity in conducting affairs, and above all for that by which he proved himself to your Majesty, to contribute a well-composed plan of action to the office of My Minister Plenipotentiary in My Principalities of Italy......And whereas in the future it is no less important that the mutual friendship between Me and Your Majesty should last as long as possible, in the place of the outgoing Minister Plenipotentiary, the Illustrious and Magnificent Gentleman, the Count of Neipperg, the Imperial Councilor of the Court and My Chamberlain´). With integral address leaf bearing the remnants of a red wax seal. A few small, neat slits to the margins, and some light age wear, VG
Charles III (1716-1788) King of Spain 1759-88, a proponent of enlightened absolutism and regalism who was also Duke of Parma and Piacenza as Charles I (1731-35), King of Naples as Charles VII, and King of Sicily as Charles III (1735-59).
Count Leopold von Neipperg (1728-1792) Austrian diplomat, father of Adam Albert, Count von Neipperg (1775-1829) Austrian General and statesman whose second wife was Empress Marie Louise, the widow of Napoleon.