Subasta 042 Special Chabad Auction in Honor of Chag HaGeulah Yud-Tes Kislev – Rosh Hashana of Chassidut - Marking the Date in which Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi was Released from Czarist Imprisonment
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8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
This auction features letters, books and rare items of Chabad Rebbes and Rebbetzins.
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LOTE 13:

The "Seforim Case" – Protocols, Affidavits and Documents – Testimonies of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson ...

Vendido por: $1 000
Precio inicial:
$ 1 000
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 25%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión
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The "Seforim Case" – Protocols, Affidavits and Documents – Testimonies of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, Rebbetzin Chana Gurary, R. Sholom Dovber (Barry) Gurary, R. Chaim Lieberman, R. Yudel Krinsky, and Others \ Audio Cassettes and Documents Pertaining to Barry Gurary's Lawsuit against the Lubavitcher Rebbe and Agudas Chassidei Chabad \ and More

Courthouse protocols, testimonies, affidavits, compact cassettes, letters, receipts and various documents, pertaining to the "Hey Teves" trial ("the Seforim Case"), and subsequent mutual lawsuits. [ca. 1985-1990]. English.
The "Hey Teves" trial (The "Seforim Case") was held at United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York in Brooklyn, before the federal judge Charles P. Sifton. The crux of the matter was the question of the legal ownership over the library of Rebbe Rayatz of Lubavitch. The plaintiffs in the trial, the Agudas Chassidei Chabad of United States (Association of Chabad Hasidim) represented by attorneys Nathan Lewin and Jerry (Yosef) Shestack, filed suit against R. Sholom Dovber (Barry) Gurary, and his mother, Rebbetzin Chana Gurary, who were represented by attorneys Alvin Hellerstein and Brian Mark Cogan. The trial lasted for some 3 weeks (December 2-22, 1985).

The present collection comprises hundreds of photocopied documents, among which are protocols of the direct examinations, cross-examinations and redirect examinations of central witnesses who appeared before the court:

* Testimony and affidavit of the witness for the prosecution, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, wife of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (December 11, 1985). Due to her old age, the Rebbetzin's testimony was heard at her home, and was read before the court.
* Testimony and affidavit of defendant, Rebbetzin Chana Gurary (December 20, 1985). Due to her old age, the Rebbetzin's testimony was heard at her home, and was read before the court.
* Examination of the defendant, R. Sholom Dovber (Barry) Gurary.
* Direct examinations of the secretary to the Lubavitcher Rebbe, witness for the prosecution R. Chaim Yehuda (Yudel) Krinsky.
* Affidavit, signed by R. Chaim Yehuda (Yudel) Krinsky (August 2, 1985; first page missing).
* Direct examinations, cross-examinations and redirect examinations of secretary to Rebbe Rayatz and director of the Rebbe Rayatz' library, defense witness, scholar and bibliographer, R. Chaim Lieberman. Due to his old age, part of R. Lieberman's testimony was heard at his home, and was read before the court.
* Direct examination, cross-examination and redirect examination of witness for the prosecution, scholar of the Hassidut movement, Louis Jacobs.
Affidavits, prosecution and defense exhibits, copies of letters, receipts and various documents, among which are:
* Signed affidavit by Rabbi Shemaryahu Gurary (Rashag), pertaining to the Agudas Chassidei Chabad ownership of the library, and to the letter sent by the Rebbe Rayatz to Dr. Alexander Marx.
* Affidavits, signed by Rebbetzin Chana Gurary, pertaining to her son's ownership of the Rayatz' library.
* Petition to the court by attorney Nathan Lewin of the prosecution, requesting that proceeds from the sale of the books will be trusted to a third-party beneficiary, until the end of the trial (October 25, 1985).
* English translations of letters by the Rebbe Rayatz, copies of letters, receipts, and various other documents presented in court.

Court documents pertaining to the lawsuit filed against the Lubavitcher Rebbe and Agudas Chassidei Chabad:
* Document pertaining to ownership rights over the property and assets of R. Shemaryahu Gurary (the Rashag; passed away Adar 6 5749). Rebbetzin Chana, and her son Barry against Agudas Chassidei Chabad; court compromise agreement signed by the judge (August 15, 1990).
* 66 audio tapes (compact cassettes), published by the WLCC – "World Lubavitch Communications Center” – Audio records of Farbrengens held by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, where he addresses the matter of the "Seforim Case". The cassettes were collected, catalogued, and presented to the court by the prosecutors – the Gurary family – as evidence of the Rebbe's alleged "Hate speech" against them.
The lawsuit was filed by the Gurary family following a violent attack against Rebbetzin Chana Gurary, who was severely beaten with an iron bar, leaving her wounded and blind in one eye.
* Objection to a request filed by the prosecution, which demanded that the Lubavitcher Rebbe will testify in person before the court, or at the very least will present the court with a video testimony. The ground for the objection to the Rebbe's testimony is his ill health.
* And more.

Approx. 900 leaves (arranged in folders and files) + 66 audio cassettes. Size and condition varies. Overall good condition.