Asta 92 Parte 1 Rare and Important Items
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Sefer HaTerumah – Venice, 1523 – First Edition – Printed by Daniel Bomberg

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 3 500
Prezzo stimato :
$4 000 - $5 000
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
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2.5.23 in Kedem

Sefer HaTerumah – Venice, 1523 – First Edition – Printed by Daniel Bomberg

Sefer HaTerumah, halachic rulings on various topics, by R. Baruch son of R. Yitzchak of France. Venice: Daniel Bomberg, 1523. First edition.
Sefer HaTerumah is one of the prominent halachic works composed in the times of the Tosafists. It includes halachot on various topics: laws of shechitah, terefot, kashrut, challah, niddah, divorce, chalitzah, avodah zarah, yayin nesech, Torah scrolls, tefillin, Shabbat. Following the laws of tefillin is a special chapter devoted to the laws of Eretz Israel.
The author, R. Baruch son of R. Yitzchak, was a Tosafist from France (named Baal HaTerumah after his book; sometimes erroneously referred to as R. Baruch of Worms), close disciple of R. Yitzchak son of R. Shmuel (R. Yitzchak the elder). He immigrated to Eretz Israel shortly before his passing. In his book, he dedicates a special chapter to the laws pertaining to Eretz Israel, possibly inspired by the practice of immigrating to Eretz Israel, which was common in his times.
The book opens with a comprehensive table of contents, containing a summary of the laws in the order of the chapters.
Ownership inscriptions on the title page: "I acquired this book with my wealth in honor of my Creator Menashe son of R. Itzek of Lissa"; "Belongs to R. Menashe Brostein[?] of Lissa, so says one who resides in his home, Yosef Ish Kohen Efrati"; "Yehonatan son of R. Yosef Segal".
Several inscriptions in Sephardic script: "Today Tuesday 21st Iyar… 1713, the great Torah scholar R. Yaakov Aryeh passed away…"; "Today, Shabbat… Tishrei 1705, my son Yaakov was born…".

[139] leaves. Without blank leaf at end of book. Approx. 26 cm. Condition varies. Title page, first and final leaves in fair condition. Most leaves in good condition. Stains, including dampstains and traces of past dampness, with mold. Tears, including large open tears to title page and second leaf, and open tears to several other leaves (including final three leaves), not affecting text, repaired with paper. Worming, affecting text, repaired in part with paper. Stamps. New leather binding.

Habermann, The Printer Daniel Bomberg, no. 81.