Asta 30 Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
Da Kedem
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"Tikun Leil Shavuot" – Three Editions, Sulzbach

Venduto per: $200
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$ 200
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6.3.13 in Kedem

"Tikun Leil Shavuot" – Three Editions, Sulzbach
Three copies of "Tikun Leil Shavuot" and "Tikun Leil Hoshana Raba": * Sulzbach, 1802. Stamps and signatures. * Sulzbach, 1835. Signatures of "Shmuel Shtrois" and other signatures. * "As printed in Sulzbach", [Fuerth], 1795. Bibliographically unlisted edition.
3 books, 16-18 cm. Good condition, wear. Worn original bindings.