Leilão 7 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
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LOTE 27:

Documents "Chevrat Yessod HaMa'ala" – 1883

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19.10.09 em Kedem

Documents "Chevrat Yessod HaMa'ala" – 1883
1. "Power of attorney from the people of "Chevrat Yessod Ha'Ma'ala" to Rabbi Baruch Meir Rosenblum "to compromise and do all that is necessary for the good of the society including cashing debts due from all the members as well as compromise with whoever it will be necessary… he also is empowered to do all for the good of the society…" Mezrich, 1883. With signatures of the society members and Rosh Av Beit Din.
Baruch Meir Rosenblum was one of the founders of the society and of Yessod HaMa'ala although not amongst its builders or residents.
[2] handwritten leaves, 21 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Tears to folding lines, almost detached.
2. Tables with list of expenses spent by the society. The founders of Yessod HaMa'ala are mentioned: R' Baruch Meir, R' Ephraim Fishel Salomon, R' Leib Rubin and others. Including expenses on traveling to Eretz Israel and bringing objects there. [3] pages, 20 cm. Good condition.
The society "Hevrat Yessod HaMa'ala was founded in 1883 in Mezrich. R' Leib Rubin and R' Fishel Solomon, who later became the leader of the Moshava handled the purchase of land in Eretz Israel. In the spring of 1884, 7 families settled there, 6 of those families from Mezrich.
Important documents which describe the procedure of founding one of the first Moshavot in the Galilee.