Subasta 9 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
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LOTE 53:

Bar Mitzvah Speech by S. Boimtsaiger – Bendery, 1905

Vendido por: $120
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$ 120
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17.3.10 en Kedem

Bar Mitzvah Speech by S. Boimtsaiger – Bendery, 1905
Speech held by S. Boimtsaiger on his thirteen's birthday. Bender (Bendery, Moldova), A. Alexandrov Printing Press, 1905.
A poem in Hebrew opens the booklet. The Bar Mitzvah speech itself is in Yiddish. At the end of the booklet are a commentary on an aggadah from Shabat tractate and a passage from Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De'a concerning a pierced egg.
Title cover, 24 pages, 13.5 cm. Fair condition. Dry fragile paper. Tears with omissions and a few stains.
Rare. One of the four Hebrew prints of Bendery.