Subasta 16 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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Halachic Response by Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Menachem Aharonberg - with a Collection of Halachic Responsa Letters Sent ...

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13.7.11 en Kedem

Halachic Response by Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Menachem Aharonberg - with a Collection of Halachic Responsa Letters Sent to Him
Lengthy Halachic response on the laws of Aguna, by Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Menachem Aharonberg, and collection of letters from various rabbis sent to him, most of which are Halachic responsa. Includes handwritten Torah novellae in his handwriting.
Among the letters: Letter from Rabbi Shalom Yehezkel Sheraga Rubin-Halberstam, Admor of Ciechanow USA; letter from Rabbi Avraham Ha-Cohen Brander of Square, NY, USA; Letter by Rabbi David Kahana Chief Rabbi of Argentina, and more letters from various rabbis.
Rabbi Yehoshua Menachem Aharonberg (1905-1976), Gaon and Chasid, of the previous generation's leading rabbis. Disciple of Gaon Rabbi Meir Arik. After the Holocaust, he moved to Tel-Aviv where he became known as one of the greatest Poskim and was appointed Av Beit Din of Tel-Aviv. Authored the Dvar Yehoshua Responsum - Six volumes.
15 Letters approx. Dozens of leaves. Varying sizes and conditions.