Vente 105: Rabbinic Autograph Letters & Passover Haggadot.
Par Kestenbaum & Company
The Brooklyn Navy Yard Building 77, 141 Flushing Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11205, États-Unis

The auction commences with a first edition of the Segulah-book "Raziel HaMalach" (Lot 1); followed by books that were owned by significant rabbis: 

R. Shlomo Ganzfried (Lot 5); The Aruch Hashulchan (Lot 6); R. Meir Shapira of Lublin (Lot 68)

The most valuable lot offered is a Sefer that was personally owned by, and has a long personal inscription in the hand of, R. Chaim Volozhiner (Lot 4).

The auction contains many excellent offerings of Autograph Letters including:

The first Rebbe of Sadigura, R. Avraham Ya'akov (Lot 13); The Chofetz Chaim (Lots 17-20); The Ohr Same’ach (Lot 41); The Kesav Sofer (Lot 58); Reb Chaim Brisker (Lot 59); The Lubavitcher Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka and her sister (Lots 50-51); and dozens more of such letters.

Autograph manuscripts of note are those from R. Menachem Mendel of Shklov (Lot 9A); The Tiferes Yisroel (Lot 40); and a 14th-century Ramba'n manuscript (Lot 9).

As per annual tradition, this pre-Pesach auction features a wide selection of Passover Hagadot:

The rare, the exotic and the curious; with examples from 1545 through until 2008.

Among particularly Early examples: Lot 87 (Venice, 1545); Lot 88 (Riva di Trento, 1561) and Lot 95 (Salonika, 1569).

Beautifully illustrated Hagadoth include: Lot 93 (Venice, 1740); Lot 85 (India, 1874) and Lot 115 (The Avner Moriah Hagadah).

Historically significant Hagadoth include Lot 72 (American/Canadian/Anglo-related) and many examples from Germany, India, Jerusalem; as well as first edition Hagadah commentaries by the Vilna Gaon (Lot 96), R. Ya'akov Emden (Lot 78); and ending with several facsimile editions. 

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LOT 9:


Peirush ...

Prix de départ:
$ 5 000
Prix estimé :
$6 000 - $9 000
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25%
TVA: 8.875% Sur le prix complet du lot + la commission
Les utilisateurs venant de pays étrangers peuvent être exempts de payer des taxes, selon les réglementations de taxation correspondantes


Peirush al HaTorah. Manuscript in Hebrew. Spain, c. 1400.

Genesis / Bereishith (end of Parshath Toldoth - end of Parshath Vayetze). Twenty pages written in a Sephardic cursive hand on paper.

Stained in places and occasionally wormed, loss of few words in places. Unbound. Sm. folio.

Ramba’n: Late Fourteenth-century manuscript.

Twenty pages of Nahmanides’ commentary on the Torah, written in Hebrew, in a beautiful Spanish hand on burnished paper, characteristic of that produced in the Islamic world.