Asta 80 Fine Judaica: * A Singular Collection of Important Hebrew Manuscripts. * Printed Books: Exceptional Offering from Two Notable Collections. * The Yosef Goldman Collection of American-Judaica.
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Yalkut Shimoni [Midrashic anthology to the Bible]. Attributed to Shimon the Preacher of Frankfurt. Part II: Nevi’im-Kethuvim (of 2).
FIRST EDITION. Issued without a title. Marginalia in an early hand. e page. The Elkan Nathan Adler - Delmonico copy.
ff. 304 (mispaginated, but all complete). Lightly stained in places, ff. 66 and 80 supplied form another copy, final leaf repaired with loss of few words. Modern calf. Folio. Vinograd, Salonika 14; Mehlman 200.
Salonika: Don Judah Gedaliah 1521
A rare complete volume from the first edition of a most celebrated text. The Yalkut is “The best known and most comprehensive Midrashic anthology covering the whole Bible… It has been published frequently but many errors have crept into it. For accurate reading one can only rely on the Salonika edition.” (EJ, Vol. XVI, cols. 707-9.) The present volume was issued five years prior to what was to become the first volume, that of the Yalkut Shimoni on Chumash, published in 1526. Although the identity of the author is shrouded in doubt, it appears clear that he compiled the Yalkut in the 13th century, as he drew from various medieval aggadic sources, as well as older Midrashim and the Talmud. Additionally, the oldest record mentioning the Yalkut is by Azariah de Rossi in 1310, implying it had been written only somewhat prior to his own generation.