Auction 13
By Raskolnikov Gallery
Feb 27, 2021
Новгородская, 23, Russia
Дмитрий Беляев, Ольга Биантовская, Злата Бызова, Александр Ведерников, Владимир Ветрогонский, Нина Дьякова, Николай Домашенко, Владимир Емельянов, Анатолий Каплан, Адриан Каплун, Владимир Конашевич, Олег Кукушкин, Олег Ломакин, Владимир Меньшиков, Герта Неменова, Дмитрий Обозненко, Юрий Подляский, Виктор Рейхет, Татьяна Соловьева-Домашщенко, Николай Тимков, Милица Чарнецкая.
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LOT 33:

Konashevich Vladimir Mikhailovich (1888-1963).

In the period 1908-1913 he studied ...

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Sold for: 4,600p
Start price:
4,000 p
Buyer's Premium: 15% More details
Auction took place on Feb 27, 2021 at Raskolnikov Gallery

Konashevich Vladimir Mikhailovich (1888-1963).

In the period 1908-1913 he studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where his teachers were Konstantin Korovin, Sergei Malyutin and Leonid Pasternak. He taught at the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. E. Repin (1921-1930, 1944-1948). In 1922-1924 he was a member of the World of Art, in 1929 he became a member of the Society of Painters. Works are in the State Russian Museum, Tretyakov Gallery, etc.

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