מכירה פומבית 29
Raskolnikov Gallery
Санкт-Петербург, Новгородская, 23., רוסיה


Императорский фарфоровый завод, марки Екатерина II, Александр II, Александр III, Николай II. Заводы Кузнецова, Гарднер, Братьев Корниловых, Попова, Сафронова. Фабрики ГФЗ, ЛФЗ, Вербилки, Дулево, Конаковская фаянсовая фабрика.

Дореволюционное стекло и ДПИ: кувшины, рукомойники, самовар наследников Василия Баташева, весы, елочные игрушки, печати до 1917, шкатулки, морские часы, карты, пишущая машинка Continental, утюги до 1917, украшения, оловянные солдатики СССР, панно Касли до 1917, мыльный камень, серебро бр.Грачевых, бронза и тд.


Письмо И.Бродского, подписанная фотография Рейнгольда Глиэра, книга В.К.Шенка с дарственной надписью Академии Художеств.

Живопись и графика: Ксидиас Перикл, Петр Смукрович, В.Ф.Васин, Прибыловский, Злата Бызова, Леон Нисенбаум, Василий Голубев, Владимир Ветрогонский, Евгений Михнов-Войтенко, Юлия Сопина, Наталья Ватенина, Ф.Кангин, Олег Ломакин, Дмитрий Беляев.

Лоты 94-114 альбомы по фарфору издательства Государственного Эрмитажа.

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למידע נוסף
המכירה הסתיימה

פריט 37:

[br.Kornilov, not restored] Vase, red stamp Factory of the Kornilov brothers in St. Petersburg, H.25 cm, cracks on ...

  לפריט הקודם
לפריט הבא 
מחיר: 80,000p
מחיר פתיחה:
1,000 p
עמלת בית המכירות: 17% למידע נוסף

[br.Kornilov, not restored] Vase, red stamp Factory of the Kornilov brothers in St. Petersburg, H.25 cm, cracks on one side of the vase, damage to two legs of the pedestal, the object has not been restored, the metal mount has not been removed or changed.
In 1835, Maria Vasilievna Kornilova founded a porcelain factory on the right bank of the Neva near the village of Polyustrovo. In addition to the founder, five sons managed the production: Peter (1806-1881), Mikhail (1807-1886), Ivan (1811-1878), Vasily (1816-1878) and Yakov (1818-1895). .). Maria Kornilova invited specialists from leading porcelain factories: Popov, Gardner, Batenin, Gitner factories. A school was opened at the factory to teach teenagers the crafts necessary for the production of porcelain. Since 1837, admission to the school from the St. Petersburg Orphanage was announced. Education continued until the age of 21. The classes were taught by sculptors Dmitry Lvov and Semyon Timofeev, the engraving technique was taught by Schilder. At the end of the school, students were given a special certificate. Graduates were not required to stay to work at the Kornilov factory.
In 1839, the Kornilov brothers became co-owners of the factory. In 1869, Mikhail Savvinovich Kornilov became the main and sole owner of the factory. By this time, the plant employed 270 people, branded stores operated in Moscow and at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair. When the property was divided, the three brothers got a store on Nevsky Prospekt, three shops and warehouses with factory products in Gostiny Dvor. Yakov Kornilov gave up porcelain production and took up painting.
It is known that the Kornilovs presented Emperor Nicholas I with a vase with the emblem of the factory and a green ornament.
In 1844, the right to place the state emblem on products was obtained.
By 1870, the factory produced chinaware worth 165,000 rubles. The production employed 275 people.
In 1875, the Kornilovs bought paint recipes that had previously been kept secret from the ruined Popov factory.
In 1882, for the third time, the status of the Supplier of His Imperial Court was confirmed. The plant practiced the production of products of a high price category and level of performance. This was due to the fact that potential buyers of the plant's products were officials, industrialists and trade people from Moscow and St. Petersburg. This determined the decor style of Kornilov's products: a claim to aristocracy, but more restrained than that of the products of the Imperial Porcelain Factory of Majesty.
In 1917 the plant was closed.

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לפריט הבא