Auction 10 Rare Hebrew Books and Manuscripts
By Royal Auction House
Jun 2, 2024
Toms River, NJ, United States
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LOT 46:

Segulah Book: Sefer Hachaim – Printed at The Request of The Apter Rav, Mezibuz 1817

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Sold for: $500
Start price:
$ 500
Estimated price :
$700 - $1,000
Buyer's Premium: 25%
Auction took place on Jun 2, 2024 at Royal Auction House

Segulah Book: Sefer Hachaim – Printed at The Request of The Apter Rav, Mezibuz 1817

Sefer HaChaim, Mezibuz 1817. Authored by R. Chaim of Friedburg, the older brother of the Maharal of Prague. It was first printed in Krakow in 1593, and then again in Amsterdam in 1713, followed by this edition, which was printed at the personal request of R. Avraham Yehoshua Heschel of Apt, who held this work in the highest regard. 

In his introduction, the author relates how he and his family were quarantined due to a plague in the year 1578. He goes on to describe his worries over the plague, as well as the potential loss of time from Torah study and how he found comfort by using the time to fulfill a longstanding request by one of his students, that he compile a book of inspirational teachings offering guidance in various areas of life. This work is the Sefer HaChaim, the Book of Life, as he felt it was life-giving work in dark times.

This edition boasts the sacred approbation of the Apter Rav, who not only praises the work but was actually instrumental in making sure it goes to print in Mezibuz. Upon studying the words of Holy Apter Rav, it is immediately apparent as to how much he treasured this holy work. Based on our research, his approbation given here is truly one of a kind, and aside from this there is no other approbation given by the Apter Rav in which he showers this amount of praise for a Sefer. 

In it, the Apter Rav writes that he always longed for it to be reprinted, since it was clear to him that it was written with Ruach Hakodesh. He concludes with the following statement: “Whoever wants to choose life, should learn from this Holy Sefer, and he will merit to learn the way of life from it”. (Refer to the Hebrew description for an exact quote of the text). 

R. Chaim of Friedburg (c. 1520-1588), the older brother of the Maharal of Prague, who is commonly known as “R. Chaim Achi Maharal” – R. Chaim the brother of the Maharal. In his youth, he studied in the Yeshiva of R. Shalom Shachna of Lublin, where he was a contemporary of R. Moshe Isserles – the Rema. Later on, he studied under R. Shlomo Luria – The Maharshal, who he considered his primary teacher. In fact, in this work he brings what he witnessed by the Maharshal personally (Sefer Zechuyos, Chapter 7): “It is customary by some not to go up to the Torah when the Tochacha is read, since they are worried that all the bad which is read before them will come upon them… and there is no degradation of the Torah by doing so. However it is clear that if there is nobody willing to go up, one should immediately go up to the Torah anyway, in order not to degrade the sanctity of the Torah by leaving it open”. He then concludes: “I too have personally witnessed this by my wondrous teacher R. Shlomo of Ostroh (the Maharshal), who would immediately go up to the Torah and accept the Aliyah of the Tochacha if he noticed any hesitation from the public, in order not to leave the Torah sitting open which would be a degradation to the Torah”. 

In very good condition. It is rare to find this edition in a condition such as this. Two miniscule worm holes seen on first two leaves, not affecting text. Ownership inscriptions seen on flyleaves. Bound in original binding. 

Page size: 21.5cm
[2], 30 pp.  

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