Auction 55 Design & Decorative Arts
Jul 22, 2020
 Via Paolo Sarpi, 6 - Milan

SESSION (lots 1 - 164)

5 p.m.

An interesting collection of Italian Design and Decorative Arts of 20th century with many ceramics, furnitures, chandeliers, lamps and glass works, objects Made in Italy, from Gio Ponti to Angelo Mangiarotti, and many others, without forgetting new talents. Three rare and interesting sculptures by Nerone Patuzzi complete the catalogue.

Finarte presents with this catalogue the new department dedicated to objects of Italian Design Made in Italy of 20th Century.


Design and Decorative Arts

Via Paolo Sarpi, 6 - Milano

Phone: +39 02 02 3363801 

Интересная коллекция итальянского дизайна и декоративного искусства 20-го века со множеством керамики, мебели, люстр, светильников и изделий из стекла, предметов, сделанных в Италии, от Джо Понти до Анджело Манджаротти и многих других, не забывая о новых талантах. Три редких и интересных скульптуры Нероне Патуцци дополняют каталог. Finarte представляет в этом каталоге новый отдел, посвященный предметам итальянского дизайна Made in Italy of 20th Century.


Design and Decorative Arts 

Via Paolo Sarpi, 6 - Milano 

Phone: +39 02 02 3363801  

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LOT 66:

Manifattura Italiana
Head vase, 50's

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Auction house commission: 28% More details

Head vase, 50's

H 41 cm x W 31 cm x D 16 cm
glazed ceramic, original label

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