Leilão 5
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Rav Shach 25 Beitar Ilit, Israel
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LOTE 18:

Lechem Abirim-First edition-Venice 1605

Vendido por: $375
Preço inicial:
$ 180
Comissão da leiloeira: 20%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
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12.2.18 em Ometz auctions

Lechem Abirim-First edition-Venice 1605
R. Avrohom Ben Aziz – Borgil was a prime disciple of R. Shmuel Di Medinah (MaHaRaSHDa”M) and served as Rosh Yeshiva in Nikopol. Published by the author’s brother in law and disciple R. Yosef Di Novish who authored the introduction. This sefer is unusual for a work of its era, as it is based almost entirely upon Rashi and Tosfos whilst hardly referring to other Rishonim or contemporary commentaries.
Vinograd Venice 989.