Leilão 5 Books, Judaica, Letters, Isralina, Banknotes, Banknotes Mandate, Coins, Medals, Goldware, Silverware, Jewelry, Posters, Newspapers, Household Products, Paintings, Lithographs, Collectibles, and more
Por TZolman's auction
מבוא- קציעה 1, Israel

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LOTE 158:

"The Eda" newspaper, Monday, 17 Cheshvan, 11/11/1947.

Vendido por: $10
Preço inicial:
$ 10
Comissão da leiloeira: 20% Mais detalhes
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
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3.6.18 em TZolman's auction

"The Eda" newspaper, Monday, 17 Cheshvan, 11/11/1947.
Condition:  Medium, slightly stained, slightly cut on side with missing.
HaEda: Is the weekly of the Eda Haredit in Jerusalem.
The newspaper expresses the anti-Zionist world view of this group and provides information about what is happening in its communities.