Leilão 5 Books, Judaica, Letters, Isralina, Banknotes, Banknotes Mandate, Coins, Medals, Goldware, Silverware, Jewelry, Posters, Newspapers, Household Products, Paintings, Lithographs, Collectibles, and more
Por TZolman's auction
מבוא- קציעה 1, Israel

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LOTE 160:

A letter signed by Henrietta Szold to the community council in Haifa.

Preço inicial:
$ 70
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3.6.18 em TZolman's auction

A letter signed by Henrietta Szold to the community council in Haifa.
Blessing for the cost of remembering her name at sea filled with 70 ..
Condition;  Generally Very Good , filing holes. 
Henrietta Szold (1860 - 1945) was a public activist and educator who devoted her life and work to the Zionist idea and the Jewish people. She worked extensively in various fields, such as assistance to refugees and Jewish refugees in the United States, in the fields of education and teaching, social work and health, the establishment of Hadassah and the organization of Youth Aliyah. Founded, funded and managed various institutions and bodies for the benefit of the child and youth in the Land of Israel. One of the central figures identified with the public works of women in the 20th century.