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Por TZolman's auction
מבוא- קציעה 1, Israel

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LOTE 169:

She'arim Newspaper - Announcement of the appointment of Rav Yitzchak Yaakov Weiss as Rabbi of Jerusalem instead of ...

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3.6.18 em TZolman's auction

She'arim Newspaper - Announcement of the appointment of Rav Yitzchak Yaakov Weiss as Rabbi of Jerusalem instead of Satmar Rebbe.
After the passing of the Admor of Satmar, Rabbi Yeshayahu Zubner declared the declaration of the community's leadership to choose Rabbi Isaac Yaakov Weiss, until his time as rabbi of the rabbi of Jerusalem in place of the Satmar Rebbe, who served to this day.
Rabbi Yitzchak Ya'akov Weiss (1902 - 1989) was a rabbi and posek, author of the "Minchat Yitzchak" books of responsa, was the rabbi of the Eda Charedit, but his halakhic influence also extended beyond the borders of the community . 
Sharim: was the daily newspaper of the Poalei Agudat Israel party. 
Condition; Very Good.