Leilão 3
 12 Beit Hadfus Street, Jerusalem

פריטים נדירים ומיוחדים מעיזבון רבי ישראל חיים האס המכונה סופרם של גדולי ישראל ובראשם אדמורי"ם הקדושים לבית וויז'ניץ לדורתיהם.

כן גם פרטים מעיזבון רבי משה טוביה גרינצוויג משב"ק של הרה"ק רבי אהרן מבעלזא זיע"א ושל כ"ק אדמו"ר ממכנובקה זצ"ל..

O leilão terminou

LOTE 19:

Very rare. "מזרח", Segulot for spells and protection including segulot from the Chid"a and the Admo"r Rabbi Moshe ...

Vendido por: $360
Preço inicial:
$ 350
Preço estimado:
$3 000 - $5 000
Comissão da leiloeira: 20%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
Utilizadores de países estrangeiros podem estar isentos de pagamento de impostos, de acordo com as respectivas leis de imposto

Very rare. "מזרח", Segulot for spells and protection including segulot from the Chid"a and the Admo"r Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum for Uhel the author of "Yismach Moshe". Siget. Around 1880.
מזרח", "מצד זה רוח חיים"," perhaps the only one in the world, contains segulot and spells. Mendil Weider publishing, Siget, around 1880. Not found in the international library and unknown in bibliographia.

*Wonderful segula from Rabbi Shimshon of Ostripol, which the author of "Chesed L'Avraham" testified on it.
*Segula for tooth ache from honest people in the name of elderly righteous.
*Segula to quiet intestinal worms, from the Holy Righteous Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum.
*Segula to be kept at the time of childrens ailments.
*Segula from the Chid"a, to protect from any trouble. "ודבר זה גילה הגאון אור וקדוש מאוהעל ז"ל
*Segula tried and true from HaRav of Uhel to protect from fever.
*Segula to quiet an evel eye tried and true from the Chid"a z"l
*another Segula for tooth ache tried and true from R' Yehudah HaChassid z"l.

[1]page, 42x34 cm
Folding marks, tiny holes, stains across the page with no damage to text.
General condition very-very good.