Subasta 019 Online Auction 19 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture
Por Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
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LOTE 82:

Six Maps of Palestine and the Near East – Ca. 16th Century

Vendido por: $300
Precio inicial:
$ 300
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 25%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión
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4.6.19 en Kedem

Six Maps of Palestine and the Near East – Ca. 16th Century
1-5. Five biblical maps of Palestine and its vicinity: * Hoc Schema Et Descriptio Referens Orti Eden Situm. Map of the Near East with an illustration of Adam and Eve in Paradise. * Haec Chorographia Praeponenda est Capiti 33 Libri Numer, Map of Sinai with the route of the Israelites in the desert and illustrations of stations of their wanderings: crossing the Red Sea, the golden calf, Mount Sinai and more. * Terae Sanctae Descriptio, Non Solum Ea Continens Loca, De Quibs A…, map of Palestine, Jordan River and biblical towns. * Descriptio regionum et locorum de quibus in Act. Apostolorum Libro passim fit mention, map of the Mediterranean basin. * Hoc Schema Praeporendum set Capiti 15 Libri Iosue, map of Palestine with the tribal territories. Similar maps appeared in some of the editions and translations of the bible during the second half of the 16th century, by the cartographer and orientalist Guillaume Postel. Size of maps: approx. 10X11 – 21X16 cm. Condition varies. Fair-good overall condition. Creases, stains, fold lines and blemishes. Tears and open tears (mainly to margins), mostly restored. 6. Map of Palestine and Cyprus, a woodcut from Sebastian Münster's book "Cosmography". Basel: Heinrich Petri, 1550. Laor 528a. Approx.26.5X17 cm. Good condition. Stains. Some blemishes and tears to margins.