Subasta 4 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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Letters from the editorial staff of the book “Toldot Ha-Rabanim” which was never published

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Letters from the editorial staff of the book “Toldot Ha-Rabanim” which was never published
Printed letters from the editorial staff of “Toldot Ha-Rabanim” by Ha-Rav Shmuel Zanvil Shapira. Levov, [1933-5].
Interesting and unknown affair! In the year 1933, Rabbi S. Z. Shapira of Levov planned the publication of the book, “Toldot Ha-Rabanim” on Rabbis from all around the world, their details and addresses, resembling the book “Ohalei Shem,” published in 1912.
This item contains two printed letters that Rabbi Shapira sent regarding this book.
The first is dated: “Levov, Yom Hotam Hadoar” [probably sent Autumn, 1933].
The second is the printing of several letters he received in response to his letters, from Rabbis all around the world: Rabbi Ya’akov Meir, Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Eretz Israel; Rabbi Haim Shmuel Shor, Av Beit Din of Bucharest; Rabbi Yitzhak Zelig Morgenstern, Av Beit Din of Sokolov; Rabbi Yitzhak Kosovsky of Johannesburg; Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin, Av Beit Din of Lutzk; Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Farber of London; Rabbi Mordekhai Shokhetman of Paris; Rabbi Yosef Mashash, Rav of Tlemcen (Algeria); Rabbi Nissim Ohana of Cairo; Rabbi Yitzhak Shaki of Istanbul (Turkey); Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi, Rav Shanghai (China); Rabbi Aharon Moshe Kisilov, Rabbi in Harbin (China); Rabbi Haim Zevulun Charlap, Rabbi in Rishon Le-Tzion; and other Rabbis from South America and various other countries. Date of writing was not printed on any of these letters.
1. Single page, 17x19 cm. Good condition. Restored and laminated.
2. Printed envelope, with Polish postage stamp and ink stamps. Damaged, part missing.
3. Four pages. 29 cm. Fair condition. Torn and worn on folds. Restored (light damage in text) bound in a nice black cover.
Bibliography unknown. For more on this unknown affair, see enclosed material: (Rayatz Shneerson letters, 1983 letter; Sinai, issue 86, p.182; Wander, Encyclopedia Le-Hahmei Galitzia, vol.5, pp 561-564).