Subasta 19 Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
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LOTE 425:

Letter of Blessings from US President Ronald Reagan to The Spinka Chassidut Institutes

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13.12.11 en Kedem

Letter of Blessings from US President Ronald Reagan to The Spinka Chassidut Institutes
An official signed letter, from US President Ronald Reagan, in honor of the dinner of the "Imrei Yosef" Yeshiva of the Spinka Chassidim. Washington, May 1986.
Blessings and wishes in honor of the annual dinner for the community's institutes (which is an inseparable part of the community in Boro Park and he "salutes" them). He particularly specifies blessings to: Yitzchak Keserer, Rabbi Leibush Rubin, Heshy Frank, Mark Loren and Rabbi Edgar Glick.
White House official stationery, 22.5 cm. Excellent condition. + original