Subasta 9 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
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LOTE 56:

End of Wandering Poem – Romania

Vendido por: $100
Precio inicial:
$ 100
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión
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17.3.10 en Kedem

End of Wandering Poem – Romania
Lied der oysvenderer fun Pashkani [Pashkani end of wandering poem]. Pashakani (Romania, after holocaust?).
Ten-verses rhymed poem in Yiddish. With an enclosed handwritten draft leaf, with identical contents, arranged exactly as the printed leaf.
[4] pages, 17 cm in print; [3] pages, 15.5 cm manuscript. Good condition.