Subasta 9 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
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LOTE 497:

Yossef Klausner – Letters to Leon Simon

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17.3.10 en Kedem

Yossef Klausner – Letters to Leon Simon
Prof. Yossef Klausner, 3 handwritten aerograms and a letter to Leon Simon, 1946-1953.
Letters depict the poor health of the writer and deal with literature and book editing, in particular editing Leon Simon's book about Achad Ha-Am by Klausner.
Yossef Klausner (1874-1958), historian, literature researcher and intellectual, of the founders of the Hebrew University and head of the Department of Hebrew Literature. Editor of "Ha-Shiloach", recipient of Israel Prize.
Leon (Aryeh) Simon (1881-1965), writer and translator, Zionist leader in Britain. Assisted in the wording of Balfour Declaration.
Varying size. Good condition, except for tear to one of the aerograms with one or two words missing.