Subasta 9 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
Por Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
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LOTE 612:

Dr. Karpel Lippe – The First Speaker at the First Congress

Vendido por: $120
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$ 120
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17.3.10 en Kedem

Dr. Karpel Lippe – The First Speaker at the First Congress
1. Portrait and inscription Dr. K. Lippe, Jaşĭ. Fair condition.
2. Eighty to Strength, 1830-1910, with a short poem in honor of Dr. Lippe and his portrait. Poor condition, torn in 3 and pasted with scotch tape.
Dr, Karpel Lippe was a Jewish doctor and publicist, who lived most of his year in Romania; he was an activist and prominent Zionist leader in Iasi, the elder and president of the First World Zionist Congress, who delivered the opening speech.