Subasta 16 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
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Manuscript Shirat Heichal for the Dedication of The Beit Knesset - Cunio (Italy), 1786

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13.7.11 en Kedem

Manuscript Shirat Heichal for the Dedication of The Beit Knesset - Cunio (Italy), 1786
Manuscript, "An introduction to my poem - Shirat Heichal", poetic lists on the dedication of the Beit Knesset HaGadol of the city of Cunio (Italy), [1786]. The rabbi of the city Rabbi Yedidya ben Refael Shlomo [HaLevi] and the wealthy man Rabbi Shmuel Galiko are mentioned in the manuscript. [In honor of the dedication of the Beit Knesset several pamphlets of poems were published: Todah V'Kol Zimra (Livorno 1786) and Seder Zemirot V'Limud (Livorno 1876). We have not seen them and we do not know if what is written in this manuscript was printed there].
3 pages, 20.5 cm. Good condition. Written in Italian Rabbinic handwriting.