Leilão 2 Fine Russian and European Antique and Art
 140 58th St. Building B, Unit 5G Brooklyn, NY 11220
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LOTE 33:

Russian military collectible books Weapons

Vendido por: $250
Preço inicial:
$ 20
Preço estimado:
$100 - $150
Comissão da leiloeira: 25% Mais detalhes
IVA: 8.88% Sobre o preço e comissão do lote inteiro
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Russian military collectible books Weapons
First Edition Russian military collectible book. European cold weapons by A.N. Kulinskiy. The encyclopedia is based on the collection of Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Sapper and Signal Troops.
Over two hundred examples of swords, broadswords, foils, sabers, shashkas, knives, and daggers presentation and decorations weapons worn by court and governmental officials, some experimental pieces, and over one hundred samples of swords from Russia, Germany, Austria, Hungarian, Albania, Latvia.