Leilão 33 Passover, travel books in Sinai and Palestine, the Haggadot, ancient engravings and ancient maps, Palestine and Israel - Happy Holidays
Por Safra and Saifa
52 Hertzel st. Kfar - Saba , Israel

Palestine - Israel, Settlement, Antisemitism, She'erit HaPleita -

Art, culture and history -

Photographs, Letters, Documents and Newspapers

Research Books - Ancient books & maps,

Art Books , Catalogs

Children's Books

and more...


Happy Holidays

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LOTE 182:

Two (2) View Master - including 17 discs of stereoscopic photographs of Palestine, Israel

Vendido por: $80
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$ 80
Comissão da leiloeira: 23% Mais detalhes
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
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30.3.23 em Safra and Saifa

Two (2) View Master - including 17 discs of stereoscopic photographs of Palestine, Israel
התצלומים הסטריוסקופיים כוללים -
תל אביב-יפו, בית לחם, השומרונים, ירושלים ומדבר יהודה
נהר הירדן, הגליל, נצרת ועוד....

בכל דיסק 7 תצלומים סטריואקופיים של פלשתינה!
כולל קופסאות מקוריות

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