Subasta 3
Por Tiferet Auctions
12 Beit Hadfus Street, Jerusalem, Israel

פריטים נדירים ומיוחדים מעיזבון רבי ישראל חיים האס המכונה סופרם של גדולי ישראל ובראשם אדמורי"ם הקדושים לבית וויז'ניץ לדורתיהם.

כן גם פרטים מעיזבון רבי משה טוביה גרינצוויג משב"ק של הרה"ק רבי אהרן מבעלזא זיע"א ושל כ"ק אדמו"ר ממכנובקה זצ"ל..

La subasta ha concluído

LOTE 15:

[3] Postcards and letters by and to Rabbi Ben Tzion Meir Chai Uzial Rav of Yafo and Chief Rabbi and Rishon LeTzion. ...

Vendido por: $100
Precio inicial:
$ 100
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 20%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión
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13.3.19 en Tiferet Auctions

[3] Postcards and letters by and to Rabbi Ben Tzion Meir Chai Uzial Rav of Yafo and Chief Rabbi and Rishon LeTzion. 1935-1941
*Postcard by Rabi M. Maalin from Białystok to Rabbi Ben Tzion Meir Uzial, Rav of Yafo, in response to inquiry concerning questions in Kidushin. "ועשיתי חקירה ודרישה בקבוץ הנוער הציוני ונתברר לי שלא היו כלום ואינם זקוקים זל"ז לג"פ".. At the bottom of the postcard HaRav Uzial adds in his handwriting "לסמוך על תעודה זו לבטול נשואין אלה".. Białystok and Yafo, 1935.

*Letter from Rabbi Reuven K"tz, Rav of Petach Tikva and Rosh Yeshiva of Petach Tikva, requesting to give a letter of recommendation to the Rabbanim traveling to raise funds for the Yeshiva of Petach Tikva in Bombay and Kolkata. In the letter Rav K"tz describes the Yeshiva's situation in which they provide to the students and direct them spiritually as they suffer real starvation. The letter has been written during the World War II, during which many sources of contributions to the Jewish settlements where blocked. Due to the great stress they suffered from hunger the Yeshiva of Petack Tikva sent messengers to India to collect donations.

[1] Page official letter from the Yeshiva Gedolah Yeshivat Petach Tikva. 22x30cm with handwritten signature of HaRav K"tz with the stamp of the Yeshiva. At the bottom of the page HaRav Uzial answers with his handwriting 18 lines in Sefardi lettering

*Printed letter by Rabbi Ben Zion Chai Uzial, as it appears hand written at the bottom of the first letter, with his hand written signature. 22x29cm.
Folding marks, light stains. Good condition.