Leilão 7 Tiferet Auction House - Special and Rare items
Por Tiferet Auctions
Beit HaShenhav 12, Givat Shaul, Jerusalem, Israel

Religious articles, Letters from Tzadikim from previous generations , Hasidic books from first print, attributed copies and discoveries from the extermination camps in Europe.

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LOTE 83:

Invitation from the Gab"d Rabbi Moshe Arye Freind for the marriage of the son of the Rabbanit, with long hand ...

Vendido por: $100 (₪354)
Preço inicial:
$ 100
Preço estimado :
$500 - $600
Comissão da leiloeira: 22%
IVA: 18% Sobre a comissão apenas
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11.9.19 em Tiferet Auctions

Invitation from the Gab"d Rabbi Moshe Arye Freind for the marriage of the son of the Rabbanit, with long hand written addition.
Rare invitation by the great Gaon Rabbi Moshe Arye Freind Gab"d of Eidah HaChareidit, from the righteous of the last generation, for the marriage of the son of his Rebbetzin from his second marriage. Grandson of Hrh"k Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rimenov, with long hand written inscription.  
The wedding of the step son of the Gab"d, son of the righteous Rebbetzin daughter of Rabbi Moshe Torim of Williamsburg, took place In the Month of Elul 1991.

It was exciting to see how the Gab"d, Rabbi Moshe Arye who did not merit to have children, conducted himself as Mechutan to everything, on the invitation he wrote 'Marriage of our son' and Rabbi Moshe Arye invited the righteous and admor"im just as if he himself married his son.
And this was a delight, a lesson for the generations about the joy of a commandment and his leadership.

On this invitation his personal joy is noticeable as if it was actually his own son, and so he added:
בס"ד הנני בזה בקריאה של חיבה למעלת כתה"ר שליט"א להשתתף עמנו וליטול חבל בשמחתנו שתתקיים בעזהי"ת בשטו"מ בעיר קדשנו ותפארתנו ירושלים ת"ו ובודאי לכבוד ולעונג רב תחשב לנו הופעתו פאר בבי הילולא ונשמחה אף נגילה כיד ה' הטובה עלינו הגדולה
ולשמחה באוהליכם נפשי תוחילה
ויה"ר שנזכה לשמוח בשמחה שלימה בביאת גוא"צ בב"א.
בברכת כוח"ט ידידו דושה"ט המוקירו ומכבדו הק' משה ארי' פריינד.

[1] Page glossy paper. Folded in four. 9 lines personally hand written with his signature. Very good condition.