Leilão 1 Holocaust - Judaica - KZ - German WWII - 2020
PO Box 13020 Des Moines, IA 50310, Estados Unidos
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LOTE 352:

Dutch Questionnaire Implementation of Laws about Jews

Preço inicial:
$ 50
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$200 - $300
Comissão da leiloeira: 24% Mais detalhes
IVA: 7.8% Sobre o preço e comissão do lote inteiro
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Dutch Questionnaire Implementation of Laws about Jews
Dutch official document and questionnaire about the implementation of laws about Jews in the city of The Hague under Nazi ocupation, issued in 1941.The first document is a list of different articles of the anti-Semitic laws implemented in the Netherlands after Nazi occupation. In this case the city of The Hague. The other one is an empty and never used questionnaire that all Jewish people must fill in so that they were registered and permanently localized by German and Dutch authorities and implement the racial laws. Anti-Jewish measures in the Netherlands - The Nazi measures to keep Jews out of society from November 1940 in the occupied Netherlands. All Jewish officials are fired and Jews no longer have access to public places. From 3 May 1942 all Jews must visibly wear a Star of David on their clothing. On the street they run the risk of being arrested and sent to the east via the concentration camps in the Netherlands.

Documents are in good condition apart from some damage to the borders of teh first document.