Leilão 2 Parte 1 Art, rare books and manuscripts - part 1
Por Van de Wiele Auctions
Groeninge 34, 8000 Brugge, Belgium, Bélgica
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LOTE 585:

CAPPIELLO, L. (1875-1942)

Preço inicial:
Preço estimado :
€240 - €360
Comissão da leiloeira: 26%
IVA: 6% Sobre a comissão apenas
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18.10.24 em Van de Wiele Auctions

CAPPIELLO, L. (1875-1942)
La croix-soleil (1919)
This nurse and the line of La Croix-Soleil bandages that she is using are rendered in pure white to emphasize the antiseptic qualities of the product; to offset the white dominance, Cappiello resorts to a checkered background, a highly unusual tactic for him” (Cappiello/Rennert, p. 195)
Chromolithogr. (80 x 120 cm), signed, Imp. Devambez (Paris), framed