Leilão 130 Unlimited Belongings of Tzaddikim, Manuscripts, Rabbinical letters and Rare books, Antisemitism, Zionism and Yiddish culture
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LOTE 29:

Shabbat Hymns with Letters by the Kedushat Tziyon of Bobov. Landsberg-Germany, 1948

Vendido por: $120 (₪396)
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$ 120
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$200 - $250
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20.7.21 em Winner'S

Shabbat Hymns with Letters by the Kedushat Tziyon of Bobov. Landsberg-Germany, 1948

"It shall protect you and your offspring ... and you shall be extricated from the birth pangs of the coming of mashiach, to serenity" (from Rabbi Yechezkiah Fisch's blessings in his approbation)

Sheloshah Sefarim Niftachim- Shabbat hymns with sacred letters from Rabbi Ben Tziyon Halberstam, author of Kedushat Tziyon of Bobov. Printed by the students of Bobov's Etz Chaim yeshivah, She'erit HaPleitah, Landsberg, Germany, 1948.

Sheloshah Sefarim Niftachim - text of Shabbat hymns surrounded by the Minchat Ya'akov commentary for 'Atkinu Seudata' and the Mateh Yehudah and Pirchei Shoshanim commentaries on the hymns.

At the back of the book, with a separate title page, there is a 'sacred letter' ['אגרת הקודש'] by the Admo"r Rabbi Ben Tziyon of Bobov, who was martyred during the Holocaust. The Iggeret was written in 1939, and deals with the Jewish people's tribulations in exile. Following it is another letter, discussing livelihood.

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the Admo"r Rabbi Ben Tziyon Halberstam.

148, [8] pp, 21 cm.

Very fine condition: Special original binding, partially detached.