Vente 118 Part 2. Seforim, Kabbalah & Chassidut, Manuscripts & Rabbinical letters. Belongings of Tzadikim & Amulets
Par Winner'S
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LOT 105:

Three Books by Leading Early Authorities - First Editions

Prix de départ:
$ 400
Prix estimé :
$600 - $700
Commission de la maison de ventes: 22%
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission
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17.12.19 à Winner'S
tags: Livres

Three Books by Leading Early Authorities - First Editions
Three of the important foundational books on Sha"s authored by leading Early Authorities - first editions.
* Chiddushei Rabbeinu Aharon HaLevi zlh"h al Masachet Ketuvot. Prague, 1722. First edition of Chiddushei HaRa"ah, by Rabbeinu Aharon HaLevi [1235-1303], one of the Early Authorities, disciple of the Ramba"n, colleague of the Rashb"a, and teacher of the Ritv"a. There are those who attribute Sefer HaChinuch to him. 59 leaves. 33 cm. Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod 53. Owners' signatures.
* Chiddushei Bava Batra L'HaNesher HaGadol ... ibn Migash z"l - among the most important novellae on Tractate Bava Batra. Amsterdam, 1702. First edition ofֲ Chiddushei HaR"i Migash, by Rabbi Yosef ibn Migash [1077-1141], one of the Early Authorities, disciple of the Ri"f and mentor of the Ramba"m. First of the Spanish sages who wrote novellae on Talmudic tractates. The Ri"f said about him, "Even in Moshe Rabbeinu's generation there was no sage who was wise and understanding like him." [1], 52 leaves. 30 cm. Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod 46.
* Tosafot HaRav Rabbi Peretz al Masachet Bava Kamma. Livorno, 1819. First edition of Chiddushei Rabbeinu Peretz by Rabbeinu Peretz ben Eliyahu of Corbeil, one of the Ba'alei HaTosafot [d. 1295]. Some of the commentary was printed earlier in the Shitah Mekubetzet, but most of the book was not printed until the edition before us. [3], 55 [should be 58] leaves. 21 cm. Sifrei Yesod 60.
Overall fine condition.