Vente 118 Part 2. Seforim, Kabbalah & Chassidut, Manuscripts & Rabbinical letters. Belongings of Tzadikim & Amulets
Par Winner'S
3 Shatner Center 1st Floor Givat Shaul Jerusalem, Israël
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LOT 224:

Fulfillment of the Regulation by Jerusalem Sages for Payment to the Prayer Leader and the Attendant at Graves of ...

Prix de départ:
$ 500
Prix estimé :
$800 - $1 000
Commission de la maison de ventes: 22%
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission
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17.12.19 à Winner'S

Fulfillment of the Regulation by Jerusalem Sages for Payment to the Prayer Leader and the Attendant at Graves of Tzaddikim Jerusalem, 1810
There was an early regulation in Jerusalem prohibiting encroachment of the chazzan and the shamash who conducted services at gravesites of tzaddikim and at Rachel's tomb. The regulation was established in 1796 by Jerusalem sages Rabbi Yisrael Ya'akov Burla, Rabbi Yitzckak Kubo and Moshe Mordechai Yosef Meyuchas (refer to Sefer HaTakanot Yerushalayim 1883 leaf of tikkun 56).
Before us is an 1810 copy of the above regulation, with signed confirmation by the following leading sages of Jerusalem:
Rishon LeTziyon Rabbi Ya'akov Kurel [d. 1818], Ra'avad of Jerusalem beginning in 1810 and successor to Rabbi Ya'akov Moshe Ayish starting in 1817. His novellae were published at the end of Sefer Ohel Yesharim (Bunan).
Rabbi Rephael Saragossi.
Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchak bar Binyamin Meyuchas [d. 1828], grandson of Rabbi Meyuchas, son of Rabbi Shmuel author of Pri HaAdamah. He traveled as an emissary of Jerusalem in 1799. Along with other Jerusalem sages, he was a signatory on letters for emissaries and on approbations.
The great kabbalist Rabbi Shlomo bar Yehudah HaKohen [d. 1827] was one of the leading kabbalists of Jerusalem. He authored the following books: Yaffeh Sha'ah on Rabbi Chaim Vital's Etz Chaim, Hora'at Sha'ah on the Zohar and the Tikkunim, Mazal Sha'ah, Sha'at HaKosher and Shu"t Shaot. (His signature is slightly damaged.)
[1] leaf paper folded into two pages, 16x26 cm each, written on both sides, (the first page contains the body of the letter and the second contains the details of the sender and of the addressee). Thick, quality paper. Calligraphic Oriental script.
Fine condition. Aging stains. Several tiny perforations.