Leilão 121 Parte 2 Seforim, Manuscripts & Rabbinical letter. Eretz Israel & Zionism
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3 Shatner Center 1st Floor Givat Shaul Jerusalem, Israel
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LOTE 259:

Cluster of [7] Group Pictures, Zionist Organizations and More. 1920s-30s

Vendido por: $340 (₪1 190)
₪1 190
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$ 100
Preço estimado :
$200 - $300
Comissão da leiloeira: 22%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
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20.5.20 em Winner'S

Cluster of [7] Group Pictures, Zionist Organizations and More. 1920s-30s

* The presidency of the Fourth National Conference of the Zionist Federation in Poland. Warsaw, 22-28 Menachem-Av 1919.

* The Pioneer Federation in Chernowitz, 1925.

* Photograph of the second-prize winners at a Purim carnival in Tel Aviv, 1927, the Revisionist chapter, 1927.

* Group of new immigrants. HaPoel HaTzair? 1921?

* Farewell party for UIA workers in Poland, 1936. With member Avraham Levinson.

* Photograph of the "El Al" students' corporation at the Hebrew University, in the Herzl room of the Jewish National Fund Building, Jerusalem, 1932. (Among the photographs: Jewish studies scholar and historian Yosef Klausner, Etze"l commander David Raziel and Hillel Kook.)

* Students and teachers of the fifth grade at the Neveh Sha'anan school, 1929.

Various sizes and conditions.