Jewelry, Fine Rugs, Antiques, Collectibles

By Keystone Auctions

Dec 5, 2024
218 East Market Street York, PA 17403, United States

Online auction Thursday, December 5, 2024. We lead off with over 100 fine oriental, Turkish, oriental style, and other Asian RUGS in vibrant colors and a variety of sizes. There is a collection of ASIAN glazed porcelain vases, bowls, tea cups, censers, foo dogs plus other Asian / Chinese / Japanese items with art prints and paintings, carved netsukes, snuff bottles, puzzle balls. JEWELRY includes 14K gold plus designers such as Tiffany, G. Jensen, Hattie Carnegie, Alfred Trifari, Lisner, Kramer, Warner, YSL, Givenchy, Dior, KJL, Weiss, Regency, Mikimoto, Honora, Kirk's Folly, Margot de Taxco and other Native American sterling, jade and amber like jewelry, Bakelite, fine watches by Fendi, Gucci, pocket watches by Elgin plus an Elgin card case. Men's jewelry too. Chanel perfume. COLLECTIBLES include vintage pens, buttons, barware, tobacciana, eye glasses, and more! **Please note this auction is on a Thursday and you can pre-bid.

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